Dear Parrents/Guardians:
This year has flown by in a flurry of excitement, adventure and new challenges. It seems like it was only yesterday that we were all gathered together in the Gym to celebrate the beginning of a new school year, and here we are preparing for summer break.
The children have done countless amazing things this year, from fundraising to volunteer work to awareness projects. From collecting socks and toiletries for the homeless to selling Freezies to raise funds for the people of Fort McMurray via the Canadian Red Cross, the students of FFEDA have shown themselves to be selfless and thoughtful time and time again. The leadership group, supported by various classes and their projects, was able to donate $ 1000 to Pathways, an organization in Mexico that supports high school students to complete their education. FFEDA School is the proud sponsor of five girls who will continue in their studies for the 2016-17 school year. We thank you, the parents and families, for your ongoing and very generous support of our project.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your support of me this school year. Mrs. Kaup’s departure at the end of September was unexpected, but I am pleased to share with you that she is doing well. Being at St. Dominic for the past three years has been such a joy, and I have truly enjoyed every moment. This is a dynamic and vibrant community and the sense of love and caring that surrounds our building is truly remarkable. I am excited to move to my new assignment at …. , but I will miss you all very much and will always hold my time at FFEDA dear to my heart.
I am pleased to share with you that Mr. Justin Lukak has been officially named school administrator. To our Grade 8 students who will go on to junior high next year, I wish each and everyone of you continued success and happiness, I will always hold a special place for you in my heart.
To our families who are moving and leaving our school, I wish you all the best in your new communities. To Mr. Justin Lukak and new incoming staff, welcome to this amazing place.
May you enjoy every fast paced moment!
May the spirit of God watch over all of you and your families during this season
The staff will eagerly greet you back in September!
Yours truly
Mr. Moses Ganya Modi
FFEDA Private Pre-Basic Primary School